Is it as Gollum says in The Lord of the Rings, “My Precious” (metals) -- used in defense, green energy, high tech, and aerospace, etc.? Ukraine's soil contains trillions of dollars of rare metals, as Putin knows. Read the articles below and decide for yourself.

I spent three challenging years working in Moscow on a health communication project during the mid-2000s, when the Orange Revolution began, the start of the most recent conflict between Russian and Ukraine, as I tell in my latest award-winning memoir:
Read article by an international law firm, Dentons, here:
And another with more details here:
Also by the Green European Journal:
Neill McKee, M.S.
Creative Nonfiction Writer
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Author’s website: www.neillmckeeauthor.com/
BTW some say that Russia itself is a 'Power House' for rare earth minerals.